CardiovascularCoreNephrology Hypervolemia- ABC of Deresuscitation April 29, 2022 by Shahriar Lahouti. Peer Reviewed By Mojtaba Chardoli. CONTENT Preface Physiologic background Regulation of intracellular fluid volume Regulation of extracellular fluid volume Summary table Regulation of... Shahriar LahoutiApril 29, 20227,339 views
BlogNeurology Cerebrovascular Dysregulation: Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome and Reversible Cerebral Vasoconstriction Syndrome. March 30, 2022 by Shahriar Lahouti CONTENTS Introduction Terminology Pathogenesis Clinical setting and risk factors RCVS PRES Imaging findings RCVS PRES Lumbar puncture Diagnosis Management Prognosis RECAP Going further... Shahriar LahoutiMarch 30, 20224,640 views
CoreNeurology Subarachnoid Hemorrhage 25 March, 2022 by Shahriar Lahouti. CONTENTS Preface Etiology Clinical presentation Differential diagnosis Noncontrast head CT Lumbar puncture CT angiography (CTA) MRI/MRA Diagnostic algorithm SAH grading scales... Shahriar LahoutiMarch 25, 20228,151 views
CoreNeurology Cerebral Venous Thrombosis March 17, 2022 by Shahriar Lahouti CONTENTS Preface Anatomy Pathophysiology Risk factors Clinical presentation Imaging findings Direct sigs Indirect signs Laboratory tests Differential diagnosis Treatment... Shahriar LahoutiMarch 17, 20223,699 views
CoreNeurology Intracerebral Hemorrhage March 6, 2022 by Shahriar Lahouti. CONTENTS Introduction Pathophysiology and causes Summary Diagnostic consideration Clinical presentation Non-contrast CT Evaluation for underlying etiology General approach to... Shahriar LahoutiMarch 6, 20224,941 views
CardiovascularCoreRespiratory Pulmonary Hypertension: From Diagnosis To Critical Management In The Emergency Department Setting 21 Feb, 2022 via Shahriar Lahouti. Last update 30 December 2024. CONTENTS Introduction Background Pathophysiology of RV failure Definition Causes of PH Precipitating factors Clinical presentation ECG Chest CT... Shahriar LahoutiFebruary 21, 20226,385 views